Shaping the future of orthopedics with our commitment to advancing the technology and improving healthcare economics, and helping more patients return to an active lifestyle.
We, at b-ONE, are committed to improving the experience of both patients and surgeons through innovative technologies.
With our passion for advanced manufacturing, advanced material science, artificial intelligence and robotics, we relentlessly pursue ways to offer best in class healthcare solutions while increasing healthcare economic value.
Our goal is to help more patients worldwide to gain their active lifestyle back with the best means humankind ever created-innovative technology.
Orthopedics is one of the medical fields where engineering and medicine compliments one another the best. In the past 20 years or so, the advancement in material science has elevated the performance of the implants to a whole new level. And in the past decade, the emergence of advanced manufacturing and robotic assisted surgery has marked the advent of digitalization in orthopedic field. These new technologies have equipped us with tools to create orthopedic solutions that are ever more valuable to both surgeons and patients.
The infinite possibilities that the advancement and application of these technologies could bring us is one of the most important reasons why we founded b-ONE. We are totally open to, and definitely will, explore how emerging new technologies in materials science, manufacturing and artificial intelligence can be brought to the orthopedic field and serve to improve patient satisfaction while enabling us to deliver it to the patients worldwide with much greater agility, faster speed and lower cost.
We work together to create an open platform where engineers can listen to surgeon’s needs, are encouraged to try intersecting innovative technologies with interesting ideas, develop, improve and deliver new products at an amazing speed and scale. Finally, we hope to serve patients and healthcare providers in countries of different economical status worldwide with high quality implants at an acceptable cost.
Richard Rothman M.D., Ph. D.
Early Investor and Design surgeon
For me, b-ONE is defined by A [first] its principles and, second, its leadership, and that’s what drew me to this new company. [b-ONE founders] have focused on quality, quality, quality from day one.
The companies that will prevail in the next ten years should understand the value equation - there’s not enough money to give everybody what they want in healthcare in most countries. So we strive to increase quality and lower the cost. That’s the value equation, that's what I think b-ONE is positioned to deliver.
Mark Kester, Ph. D.
Chief Scientific Officer
In b-ONE, we strive to offer best in class products for both surgeons and patients. When we began developing our products, we listened to the needs of multiple surgeon groups from around the world. We were open to their feedback and we heeded their advice. And then, we combined them with the lessons we learned from both good and bad products developed in the past. We took the design elements that made the best products best, and improved upon them with attention to every detail. We tested our concepts strictly and rigorously to ensure what we envisioned came to life.
The products we offer are based on proven science, built using world class quality standards and designed to meet or exceed the needs of global surgeons and patients while increasing the health economic values.
Global headquarter
Manufacture Plant
Sales Office
b-ONE products are registered globally and we are currently
recruiting national distributors for the countries below:
Singapore  HongKong  Thailand  Malaysia  Indonesia 
Check back again as more countries are added.
Company/Hospital Name
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